Osway Outdoor Gear Co., Ltd
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- Company Profile:
Year Established: 2001 Businss Type: Manufacturer Contact: Alfred Chen Telphone: 85-2-21375268 Fax 85-2-1375270 MobilePhone: Web Site: www.oswaygear.com, Zip: 00000 Country/Region: Hong Kong Province/State: City: Address: RM 1202, 12 / F, TUNG CHUN COMMERCIAL CENTRE,
- Introduce:
Established in 2001, Osway Outdoor Gear Co., Ltd specializes in outdoor gear industry for war game / survival game and other outdoor use. In the early 2005, after several years of rapid and successful development, we began to step into the international market, and now our products are selling in North and South America, Europe and Asia.
Our products cover a wide range from Clothing to Tactical gears, which includes Bag pack & Case, Pouches, Tactical Vests, Slings, Holster, Goggles & Glasses, Helmets, Tactical Belts, etc. We always put as our commitment on product quality control in order to provide our outdoor gear user with high quality goods. Also, we keep a high priority on customer feedback and opinions, which we believe will make products better suited the needs and tastes of the customer.
Welcome to visit our website for more products information and details. Osway Outdoor Gear Co will satisfy your need with products of value and best service. Please do not hesitate to contact us, and we are looking forward to establish a cooperative business relationship with companies in this field all around the world.
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