Multixmedia (MXM)

We main product/services:
Company Profile:
Year Established: 2000
Businss Type: Trading Company
Contact: Customer Service (Sales)
Telphone: 0776-9834-000
Fax 0776-9834-001
Web Site:,
Zip: wx1 1ln
Country/Region: United Kingdom
Province/State: England
City: London
Address: Multixmedia Hq, Po Box 19   
In business for 5 years..
We have a Paypal VERIFIED accounts, with security ratings over 100+.

We have not indicated prices for our items/serviceson our website for the sole reason that whatever price we put, you as the customer will want it cheaper.

We are willing to offer a better deal on items you find from another online/high street retailer in your country AFTER verification.
We will need the website address or contact number of your supplier.

Good Discounts for bulk purchases!

Trade Welcome!
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